Monday, April 14, 2008

Defending Spiritual Sovereignty

"When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. ." -Tecumseh

All attempts at political liberty throughout history have proven unsustainable. Political freedom is squandered as the people relinquish personal freedoms to those whom they have entrusted as their leaders. Few leaders resist the intoxication of power that is offered up freely, and it is not long before the masses become complacent as their spirits were further enslaved. This is fundamentally a spiritual not political inadequacy of the masses. People whose spirits are not inherently free, cannot sustain a free political structure. Our lack of spiritual sovereignty and resulting lack of liberty are evidenced by the spiritual paths we choose to adopt.

Religious hierarchies demand the trust and unquestioned obedience of its followers in order to sustain the religious legacy established by the religion's founder. Such hierarchies, which generally start as benevolent, evolve to tyranny in short order.

Spiritual seekers confuse the guidance offered by gurus and teachers as an invitation to forego the responsibility of spiritual sovereignty. Deceptive spiritual hucksters demand unquestioned obedience of their disciples, making them spiritual slaves. Some blatantly demand the enslavement of their disciples in exchange for spiritual freedom that will be awarded to them at some point in the future. This dangerous twisting of the truth is every bit as insidious as a democratically elected leader insisting that fascism will set the population free.

With few exceptions spiritual sovereignty seems reserved to spiritual leaders and is not presented as a possibility for the masses. The same reality is manifested in our political and cultural realms. These leaders, whether political, religious or spiritual, dangle the concept of liberation or freedom as the reward for compliance. The reality is that spiritual and political liberty is a birth right and responsibility, not an achievement or goal. This is a fundamental truth in all levels of existence.

Politicians promise liberty as the reward for giving up our liberties and fighting wars. Religious leaders promise the liberty of heaven as a reward for compliance and blind faith. Spiritual leaders promise liberation as a spiritual achievement in exchange for giving up ones spiritual sovereignty to the leader.

The absurd and deceitful hawking of liberty as a commodity and reward has successfully convinced the masses in all cultures that they can achieve this trinket by essentially giving up ones personal sovereignty and relinquishing their personal responsibility for their existence to more qualified individuals.

I believe that liberty is not an achievement at all, but something that one maintains by preserving ones own inner sovereignty. Liberation in the spiritual sense is in fact only a sign post on an infinite journey. My personal experience has shown that spiritual liberation is a recurring theme throughout ones journey and not an actual achievement in and of itself.

Sustaining a sovereign spirit is not trivial. One must be willing to suffer casualties and bloodshed to maintain spiritual sovereignty. True worldly freedom and liberty is only possible if we strive to upkeep our sovereignty as individuals in all manners, both spiritual, cultural, and political. Giving our spiritual sovereignty up to a guru, politician or religious leader only perpetuates spiritual slavery, and hence material slavery proliferates. Accepting guidance and help is very different from giving up ones sovereignty, but far too many are willing to give a helping hand if only we relinquish our responsibility for our own sovereignty. We as political and spiritual beings seem all to willing to take this apparently easy path.

It is our duty to help others. It is also clear that those being helped who yearn to be free must be willing to bear the burden of maintaining their own sovereignty. They must be willing to defend it in the spiritual and worldly realms. This path is narrow and not for the faint of heart.

The USA was founded on principles of personal sovereignty and liberty. Hidden in plain sight was our Native American brothers and sisters, who had lived as a sovereign people for centuries before the western Europeans arrived. Our experiment in liberty failed because we did not bear the burden of responsibility as sovereign people or respect the sovereignty of others. We enslaved Africans and stole the land and freedoms from the Native Americans and ignored their wisdom. This is not the behavior of a true sovereign people who honor and love liberty, but of a spiritually enslaved people intoxicated with the lust for power and the property of others.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus of Nazareth taught a message of spiritual sovereignty and the personal responsibility required to sustain it. His principles of compassion, charity and brotherly love, are the cornerstones for respecting the sovereignty of others. He challenged the religious and political hierarchies without a sword or threats of revolution, but with words that proclaimed that the souls of the masses to be free. He shed his own blood defending the sovereignty of all humans in the eyes of God. This fact has been twisted by the Christian hierarchy and transformed into a guilt ridden belief that Jesus died for our sins, when in fact he sacrificed himself for an even greater cause, the individual sovereignty of all humanity. His efforts were indeed for the purpose of setting all humanity free, but not, I believe in the way it has been twisted by a self serving religious hierarchy. He also taught that with our new freedom, comes the responsibility to honor the freedom and sovereignty of others. This is the guiding principle for liberty to persist in a culture of diverse but sovereign individuals.

These concepts of spiritual liberty and sovereignty are not only lost in Christianity, but are scarce in any religious or spiritual texts and belief systems made available to the masses. Native American culture and spirituality seems to be one of the few other examples where individual sovereignty is honored and fostered. Sadly many Native Americans became complacent to the encroaching western culture and as a result, their spiritual and cultural sovereignty was overwhelmed by the deceptive and self serving European invaders.

The USA was intended to be a nation of sovereign people. True sovereignty, however, must begin with the spirit. Liberty or liberation is not a goal, but a right that must be vigorously maintained and defended through personal responsibility for ones own sovereignty and the respect of the sovereignty of others. With so many spiritual paths leading to enslavement and submission, guidance to achieve this in worldly matters seems unlikely unless we adopt and enforce the concepts of sovereignty in spiritual matters. While Jesus took the bold initiative to make these principles known to the masses and provide a template for it to be sustained, true spiritual sovereignty can only be achieved one heart at a time.


Anonymous said...


Just curious.

How do you participate within the Roman Catholic Church and its rather rigid patriarchal hierarchy while having such a high value for spiritual sovereignty?

Being Catholic and placing value on spiritual sovereignty seems like an oxymoron...the two just don't mix.

Anyway, I'd appreciate hearing your opinion.


Michael said...


You raise a very important point and I thank you for doing so. I challenge myself the same question often as I too see the contradictions in this institution established by the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth. Perhaps my ability to exist with these beliefs in this institution is because the organization is so vast and diverse that the hierarchy/patriarchy doesn't notice that I am here or at least tolerates my presence. While this organization openly discourages the sovereignty of women, it is one of the few Christian institutions to honor the feminine aspects of the divine in the form of the Holy Mother of God. They shun eastern spirituality, yet encourage silent prayer and meditation. They shun pagan celebrations of earth cycles, but embrace solstice and equinox rituals and call them Christmas and Easter. They claim not to embrace the Shaman practice of communicating with spirit guides and ancestors, yet they have established an ancestry of Saints that offer spiritual guidance and intercede on our behalf.

Within this institution I am able to openly celebrate the feminine aspects of divinity, meditate, honor the Earth and Universe in the circle of life and seek a relationship with my ancestors and spirit guides. It is within these contradictions that people like myself seem to be able to exist unhindered. I am not attracted to the Church as an institution, but the people in the Church who accept and honor my beliefs. I am able to use this institution to introduce my children to the diverse spiritual experiences I have had through my practice of Sufism, Yoga, and Shamanism. So to that end, it is a tool for my children to learn the lessons of compassion, charity and social responsibility taught by Jesus. If the Church were to insist that I cut off all my other spiritual associations, and cease to believe what is in my heart, then I would be forced to leave or make my stand as I have in the past with other institutions that limited my spiritual sovereignty.

I might add, that the I have very similar feelings about the US government. I do not consider the Catholic Church any more of a spiritual institution than the US government. All human institutions are imperfect and I have no interest in establishing a new religion or government. I think we have enough of these already, so I work within the ones that best suit my needs at the time.

Thanks again for your thoughtful question.



Anonymous said...


Good one...

I am able to do the same with my "songs of Protest and "new age spirituality" which come from a "country" and "folk" background by going to the "country" people rather than the more "industry" of "Pop, rock, blues, jazz, classical, which are more "entertainement Industry" side of MUSIC and many of these are more of a "party" and not many of the fans want to hear a "serious" song at a's DANCE, DANCE, DANCE..., dim the lights and hit in the "LOWER chakras" (rhythm) and not much deeper MEANING please ...

With the country people, I am faced with "nationalism, and the "red-neck" patriotism of "my country, My God, my wife, my truck, my kids, but here and there, true human or spiritual emotions are allowed to sneak in, so I sing one of my more "COUNTRY" songs as part of the evening... I am not like them but they are the the closest to my background there is in "little town" Canada...

I appreciate your stand and you thoughts on Spritual Soveignty...That is why I think that we have to mover towards a more "DIRECT DEMOCRACY" so as to place the true decision-making POWER in the hands or the PEOPLE, not on our so-called Leaders, who are really our SERVANTS if we, the people, would only take our POWER seriously...

Bless you...


Anonymous said...

I am sorry but this is not related to your current post. I read your post on SRCM. Have you come across any other spiritual organization that is free of all this? I don't mind having a spiritual guide but worshipping an individual is something I cannot grasp.

Michael said...


I fear that there really is no Organization that can provide spiritual guidance. My thesis is that we become vulnerable when we SEEK guidance as we are embracing our personal spiritual inadequacies rather than our innate ability to experience Creation and embrace the infinite journey we are all on.

Organizations exploit personal insecurities by making them selves visible for "seekers" to address their spiritual inadequacies.

Spiritual guidance is best received when it comes to you after accepting the responsibility of embarking on the Infinite Journey.

Organizations are not necessarily bad. They serve an important cultural and social function. They fail when it comes to providing unencumbered spiritual guidance however.

My personal issue with SRCM is that it has evolved into yet another religious organization that is set up to promote itself. It is no longer a resource that serves humanity but has become an entity requires obedient service of its members.

In fact I would suggest that its best not to take on the role of seeker at all and instead take the role of one who has embarked on an infinite journey. There is no finite goal to find. Guidance is only necessary during difficult passages in the journey and should NEVER require surrendering one's spiritual sovereignty. Guidance should not be sought as it will find you when necessary. Organizations should restrict themselves to be light structures establishing a culture of charity, compassion and brother/sister-hood, that's all.

Hope this helps and doesn't discourage.


Michael Skai

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Skai,
Thank you. I think that does help. If you are familiar with Indian culture there is lot of teacher/student immportance given, although the teacher in this case is in fact someone you can look upto. Sadly, nowadays one finds that missing. When I initially saw this organization I thought that maybe it is not dead afterall but after reading all this I am in doubt. I guess the spiritual journey is something that is to be explored without any help. Thank you again.

Michael said...

Dear Anonymous,

I wouldn't say you need to go it alone without help. I would say that help and guidance comes when you need it. Seeking it only puts you in a situation where you risk giving up your sovereignty in exchange for help. This is counter productive.

You are not alone. Have faith that once on the Infinite Journey, a sincere heart will attract the necessary guidance to proceed.



Anonymous said...

Dear Skai,
I feel its freedom that is lacking in Sahaj Marg ( according to you ), Master always says that real freedom is the freedom to do the correct things, If we can stay tre to that then where is the question of freedom comes in! He always tells us to refer to ones heart and do what comes in first. isnt it?

May you be blessed

Michael said...


Freedom is only a mere signpost compared to being sovereign in the eyes of the Creator, which is where the Infinite Journey begins. Unfortunately those indoctrinated in cults and religions will never fathom the vastness of this reality and therefore resort to passive aggressive responses such as yours to promote their dependence on another to experience this vast reality for them. How is your response here any different from the fundamentalist Christians who misquote Jesus in a effort to impose their narrow thinking on others. Jesus never promoted surrendering one's sovereignty, nor do those who truly adhere to the Yogic and Sufi traditions that were plagiarized by SRCM.

I wish you all the best my friend, however, you have missed the point. Its not about lack of freedom, but lack of sovereignty. The difference is as vast as the Infinite Journey itself.

With that said, there are better places to promote your reliance on another human to think, provide spiritual quotes and experience God for you, in exchange for your complete obedience and surrender of your soul.

Please direct advertisements for your master, which ever one he may be, to a more appropriate venue, but not in a blog about Spiritual Sovereignty!

All the best in finding your way.



Anonymous said...


You're getting really "adept" at catching these passive-agressive "promoters" of SRCM coming under the guise of sheep but who are really wolves (I don't like the wolf analogy either...Sorry SPIRIT OF WOLF!!) or rather vultures in sheep's clothing. Not lions at all going after the LAMBS of Christ. They don't come to converse and learn and grow together in LOVE and RESPECT, but to spew someone's else's (a dictator, a CEO of a plastic tube mill/GURU...) lack of philosophy and theology which they have themselves not given much thought to.

My mom, (bless her soul), would say: "Chew your food or you'll choke!"... They are the ones who swallow the "whole package" and interpret literally and fundamentally the words driven into their sub-conscious by a ritual of "obedience and surrender" and "become as a "LIVING DEAD", and then they wonder why the "sovereign" and "FREE" people of the world thinks of them as "zombies" or members of a "cult" that uses questionable tactics so as to give them an addictive "physical" sensation of Bliss or UNITY...being ONE. They then are convinced (by the system) that this "sensation" comes from THE ONE, what they call GOD. They don't attend many "concerts" obviously, because they would see the the "wave of transformation" is passing through ALL, and EVERYONE, not only the RELIGIOUS and their brand of CULTISM. Given that they are not to use the brain and "THINK" but to trust their "heart" and become as sheep and "obey and surrender", it is no wonder that there is no "dialogue" possible with them until they become ALIVE again and begin to question the ideas of accepting to be "LIVING DEAD" and give over their sovereignty to another person, or even a METHOD, and a MISSION... That is really a spiritual prostitution that goes on in these "cults of personality" and the idolatrous worshippers of "THE WORD". This week Chari is the GURU, next week, it will be AJ BHATTER and they, as chattel, will be handed over to the next "pimp", who they will obey and surrender to and be as "living dead" for him and his new "PHILOSOPHY" whatever that may be. We have seen and experienced the change from Babuji to Chari...Those who are abhyasis still can expect the same with AJ Bhatter and the other "in line" brown-tongues.

Bless you who are still ALIVE and thinking, and still have an open mind and a loving and charitable acceptance, in spite of your contacts with religions and cults, not because of them. And Bless your "living" Spiritually Sovereign and intellectually keen MIND (or heart..;-))) that rises above the fundamentally "emotional" pap that these idolizers and covert proselytizers of a philosophy (or lack of) of becoming an obedient and surrendered "living dead", send your way.
